Report 2007-114 Recommendation 7 Responses

Report 2007-114: Low-Level Radioactive Waste: The State Has Limited Information That Hampers Its Ability to Assess the Need for a Disposal Facility and Must Improve Its Oversight to Better Protect the Public (Release Date: June 2008)

Recommendation #7 To: Public Health, Department of

To make certain that the branch uses sufficiently reliable data from its current systems to manage its inspection workload, the department should improve the accuracy of the branch’s data for inspection timeliness and priority level. The branch can do so by comparing existing files to the information recorded in the data systems.

Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From January 2010

New procedures for quality control were initiated in 2008 and 2009. With this experience RHB improved the overall data reliability for all data management systems. This quality control system includes data entry associated with maintaining the accuracy of the inspection tables and the subsequent inspection reports. For the HAL data system, CDPH provides ongoing maintenance of the accuracy of facility and x-ray machine status and data entry for these processes. CDPH refined its quality control procedures for data entry and maintenance of facility inspection itineraries and inspection reports. The quality control changes to CAMIS and HAL provided needed improvements to the accuracy, timeliness, and priority level assignments that BSA is seeking.

To better identify current inspection needs, RHB initiated new measures to update existing paper and electronic-based reports. As an example, previously compliance history was in a paper report. Now the data is electronically captured and made available to all inspectors via a secured Internet site. In bi-weekly status meetings, RHB program and Information Technology managers define processes and procedures that better control and improve the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the data. This team approach facilitates the development and application of improved data validation methods, including periodic programming logic checks.

These procedures have greatly improved the accuracy of current data and will be maintained until a new data management is available in 2011. (2009-041, p. 80)

California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2007-114

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.