Report 2007-111 Recommendation 1 Responses
Report 2007-111: California Highway Patrol: It Followed State Contracting Requirements Inconsistently, Exhibited Weaknesses in Its Conflict-of-Interest Guidelines, and Used a State Resource Imprudently (Release Date: January 2008)
Recommendation #1 To: Highway Patrol, California
To ensure that it protects the State?s interest and receives the best products and services at the most competitive prices, the CHP should provide a reasonable and complete justification for purchases in cases where competition is limited, such as sole-brand or noncompetitive bidding purchases. Further, it should plan its contracting activities to allow adequate time to use the competitive bidding process or to prepare the necessary evaluations to support limited-competition purchases.
1-Year Agency Response
The CHP told us that is has implemented a new documentation process for its sole-brand purchases requiring authorization through its Administrative Services Division with final approval by the assistant commissioner for staff operations. CHP also noted that it takes the same approach with noncompetitive bid documentation to ensure that its noncompetitive justification documents address all the necessary factors. The CHP reported that it is verifying potential bidders through General Services? Small Business/Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Web site and other on-line searches, and through speaking directly with potential bidders. The CHP updated staffs? desk procedures to reflect the necessary verification. (See 2010-406 p. 72)
- Response Date: January 2009
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2007-111
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.