Report 2007-109 Recommendation 2 Responses

Report 2007-109: DNA Identification Fund: Improvements Are Needed in Reporting Fund Revenues and Assessing and Distributing DNA Penalties, but Counties and Courts We Reviewed Have Properly Collected Penalties and Transferred Revenues to the State (Release Date: November 2007)

Recommendation #2 To: Justice, Department of

Because state law requires Justice to make county-reported data available on its Web site, Justice should do the following to ensure that the data on county DNA fund activities are accurate: Contact each county that does not submit an annual report by the deadline.

1-Year Agency Response

In its 60-day response dated February 8, 2008, Justice stated that it would begin sending out form letters every February to all counties reminding them that the report for the previous year was due. Additionally, Justice stated that if a county had not submitted a report by the April 1st due date, a formal reminder letter would be sent on May 1st. Also included in this response, Justice submitted its procedures for posting county DNA fund data on its Web site.

In its one-year response, Justice indicated that it sent a formal reminder letter dated May 1, 2008, to 13 counties that had not yet submitted the required report by the April 1, 2008, due date. However, nine of these counties still did not submit the required report. As a result, according to documents provided with its one-year response, Justice?s Web site noted that these counties failed to submit an annual report. (See 2009-406 p. 263)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2007-109

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.