Report 2006-110 Recommendation 2 Responses

Report 2006-110: Department of Health Services: It Needs to Improve Its Application and Referral Processes When Enrolling Medi-Cal Providers (Release Date: April 2007)

Recommendation #2 To: Health Services, Department of

The branch should modify PETS data to track the length of time applications it recommends for denial remain in the policy section for review, to ensure that it does not automatically enroll or pay the claims of ineligible providers when the review does not occur in a timely manner.

1-Year Agency Response

The branch states that it has modified the PETS and created a policy denial report that is reviewed on a weekly basis and now includes a tracking capability to ensure that no applications subject to denial are allowed to default. (2009-406, pp. 188-189)

California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented

All Recommendations in 2006-110

Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.