Report 2006-109 Recommendation 1 Responses
Report 2006-109: Home-to-School Transportation Program: The Funding Formula Should Be Modified to Be More Equitable (Release Date: March 2007)
Recommendation #1 To: Education, Department of
To determine the fiscal impact on school districts that do not receive the Home-to-School program funds, Education should identify all school districts that provide transportation services to their students but are not eligible to receive state funds for the Home-to-School program from Education for regular education transportation, special education transportation, or both.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From January 2010
Education just recently conducted a comparison of the local educational agencies (LEAs) that report expenditures via the standardized account code structure (SACs) as well as the county-district-school (CDS) file of all LEAs to identify the LEAs that receive transportation funding. This comparison allows Education to identify the LEAs that report pupil transportation expenditures but are not eligible to receive Home-to-school Program funding. (See 2009-041 p. 20)
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2006-109
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.