Report 2006-106 Recommendation 10 Responses
Report 2006-106: Department of Health Services: Its Licensing and Certification Division Is Struggling to Meet State and Federal Oversight Requirements for Skilled Nursing Facilities (Release Date: April 2007)
Recommendation #10 To: Health Services, Department of
To improve the accuracy of complaint data used to monitor its workload and staff performance, Health Services should develop strong application controls to ensure that its data are accurate, complete, and consistent. This process should include validating the data entered into key data fields, ensuring that key data fields are complete, and training staff to ensure consistent input into key data fields, such as the field designed to capture the date on which the investigation was completed.
1-Year Agency Response
Health Services reports that it has developed standard performance measures for each district office. One of the performance measures requires, on a quarterly basis, random checks by the support staff supervisor to ensure the accuracy of data input as well as complaint files. Our review of Health Services quality assurance program confirmed that it evaluates whether the information noted in the complaint file agrees with its data system. Finally, Health Services reports that it has begun a recurring training program where it reminds staff of data input and accuracy procedures. (2009-406, p. 19)
- Response Date: April 2008
California State Auditor's Assessment of 1-Year Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2006-106
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.