Report 2005-129 Recommendation 9 Responses
Report 2005-129: Department of Social Services: In Rebuilding Its Child Care Program Oversight, the Department Needs to Improve Its Monitoring Efforts and Enforcement Actions (Release Date: May 2006)
Recommendation #9 To: Social Services, Department of
The department should develop sufficient automated management information to facilitate the effective oversight of its child care program regional offices.
Annual Follow-Up Agency Response From January 2011
The LRAP had, as a component, the development of new automated management information which will facilitate the ability to assess CCLD’s progress in meeting all of its statutory requirements and to facilitate effective oversight of the regional offices. A new complaint tracking management report has been completed as part of that project and is now in use. Other case management reports were developed earlier that track virtually every part of the licensing workload at the regional office level. There are quality control staff in the child care program that pull data from these reports to ensure proper oversight of the regional offices. (2010-041, p. 46)
California State Auditor's Assessment of Annual Follow-Up Status: Fully Implemented
All Recommendations in 2005-129
Agency responses received after June 2013 are posted verbatim.