Report I2008-0805 Recommendations

After the State Auditor's Office completes an investigation and issues a copy of its investigative report to the state department involved, the department is required by the Whistleblower Protection Act to provide the State Auditor with information about the actions it has taken in response to the report. Within 60 days of receiving the report, the department must report to the State Auditor any disciplinary action it has taken or intends to take against any employee who was a subject of the investigation. Also within 60 days, the department must report to the State Auditor any actions it has taken or intends to take to implement the recommendations made in the report to prevent the continuation or recurrence of the improper activities described in the report. When the department has not completed all of its intended actions within 60 days, the department must report on its actions monthly thereafter until all of its intended actions have been taken. Below is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced, as well as a link to a summary of what the department has reported to the State Auditor about its actions in response to the report. Information about the department’s responsive actions and the State Auditor’s assessment of those actions will be updated on this site quarterly.

Recommendations in Report I2008-0805: California Prison Health Care Services: Improper Contracting Decisions and Poor Internal Controls (Release Date: January 2009)

Recommendations for Case I2008-0805
Departments: Correctional Health Care Services, California; Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of
Number Recommendation Status

To ensure the consistent application of proper contracting procedures for acquiring IT goods and services, Prison Health Services should require employees with procurement and contracting responsibilities to attend training at regular intervals regarding state contracting processes.


To ensure the consistent application of proper contracting procedures for acquiring IT goods and services, Prison Health Services should formally communicate to purchasing and contracting staff at Prison Health Services and Corrections the meaning of the federal court?s waiver order and the correct procedures that must be followed to use the alternative contracting processes approved by the court.


To ensure the consistent application of proper contracting procedures for acquiring IT goods and services, Prison Health Services should develop and document contracting procedures for staff to follow when acquiring IT goods and services under existing state processes.


To ensure the consistent application of proper contracting procedures for acquiring IT goods and services, Prison Health Services should develop and document the contracting procedures for staff to follow when acquiring IT goods and services under each of the three alternative contracting processes approved by the federal court.


To ensure the consistent application of proper contracting procedures for acquiring IT goods and services, Prison Health Services should specify in writing who at Prison Health Services has authority to sign contracts and purchase orders under the state and alternative contracting processes, and distribute this information to employees who have responsibilities regarding procurement.


To ensure the consistent application of proper contracting procedures for acquiring IT goods and services, Prison Health Services should establish internal procedures to ensure there is documentation of approval from the receiver or his designee to make an acquisition under each of the three alternative contracting processes.


To ensure the consistent application of proper contracting procedures for acquiring IT goods and services, Prison Health Services should ensure that prior to staff selecting a method for acquiring an IT good or service, the proposed acquisition is reviewed by an appropriate staff member to evaluate whether the method of acquisition is proper.


To ensure the consistent application of proper contracting procedures for acquiring IT goods and services, Prison Health Services should ensure that when contracts and purchase orders are being processed by staff at either Prison Health Services or Corrections for IT goods and services, an appropriate staff member will evaluate the proposed acquisition to determine whether it is proper and has the authority to halt the acquisition until any suspected impropriety has been resolved.


To ensure that the State follows applicable contracting laws, Corrections should establish a protocol for communicating with Prison Health Services? executive management when it becomes aware of any potential violations of state contracting laws.

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