Report 2011-126 Recommendations

When an audit is completed and a report is issued, auditees must provide the State Auditor with information regarding their progress in implementing recommendations from our reports at three intervals from the release of the report: 60 days, six months, and one year. Additionally, Senate Bill 1452 (Chapter 452, Statutes of 2006), requires auditees who have not implemented recommendations after one year, to report to us and to the Legislature why they have not implemented them or to state when they intend to implement them. Below, is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced and a link to the most recent response from the auditee addressing their progress in implementing the recommendation and the State Auditor's assessment of auditee's response based on our review of the supporting documentation.

Recommendations in Report 2011-126: Nonprofit Hospitals: Statute Prevents State Agencies From Considering Community Benefits When Granting Tax-Exempt Status, While the Effects of Purchases and Consolidations on Prices of Care Are Uncertain (Release Date: August 2012)

Recommendations to Legislature
Number Recommendation Status

If the Legislature intends for nonprofit hospitals' tax-exempt status under state law to depend on the amounts of community benefits they provide, it should consider amending state law to include such requirements.


If it expects each nonprofit hospital to follow a standard methodology for calculating the community benefits it delivers, the Legislature should either define a methodology in state law or direct Health Planning to develop regulations that define such a methodology.

Legislation Proposed But Not Enacted

If the Legislature intends to ensure compliance of all hospitals required to submit community benefit plans to Health Planning, it should consider revising state law to allow Health Planning to assess a penalty to those hospitals that do not comply.


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