Report 2007-102.2 Recommendations

When an audit is completed and a report is issued, auditees must provide the State Auditor with information regarding their progress in implementing recommendations from our reports at three intervals from the release of the report: 60 days, six months, and one year. Additionally, Senate Bill 1452 (Chapter 452, Statutes of 2006), requires auditees who have not implemented recommendations after one year, to report to us and to the Legislature why they have not implemented them or to state when they intend to implement them. Below, is a listing of each recommendation the State Auditor made in the report referenced and a link to the most recent response from the auditee addressing their progress in implementing the recommendation and the State Auditor's assessment of auditee's response based on our review of the supporting documentation.

Recommendations in Report 2007-102.2: California State University: It Is Inconsistent in Considering Diversity When Hiring Professors, Management Personnel, Presidents, and System Executives (Release Date: December 2007)

Recommendations to University, California State
Number Recommendation Status

To ensure that campuses employ consistent search processes and develop appropriate policies, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for management personnel. In developing this guidance, the university should direct campuses to develop hiring policies for management personnel that address key steps to establish consistency among searches and to ensure that searches are conducted in a fair and equitable manner.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that campuses employ consistent search processes and develop appropriate policies, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for management personnel. In developing this guidance, the university should encourage campuses to identify alternatives to broaden the perspective of search committees and increase the reach of the search for management personnel positions. For instance, campuses could appoint women and minorities to search committees lacking diversity. Additionally, to ensure that it is meeting its responsibilities under federal regulations, the university should provide guidance to campuses on special efforts to ensure that women and minorities have equal opportunity to serve on search committees.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that campuses employ consistent search processes and develop appropriate policies, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for management personnel. In developing this guidance, the university should instruct campuses to compare the proportions of women and minorities in the total applicant pool with the proportions in the labor pool to help assess the success of their outreach efforts in recruiting female and minority applicants. To help ensure that they have sufficient data from applicants to effectively compare these proportions, campuses could send reminders to applicants requesting them to submit information regarding their gender and ethnicity.

Will Not Implement

To ensure that campuses employ consistent search processes and develop appropriate policies, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for management personnel. In developing this guidance, the university should advise campuses to compare and report the gender and ethnicity of their current workforce to the labor pool by separating management personnel positions into groups based on the function of their positions to ensure that placement goals are meaningful and useful to those involved in the hiring process. Direct campuses to have search committees review affirmative action plans so they are aware of the availability and placement goals for women and minorities when planning the search process. The guidance should address the purpose of placement goals and the affirmative action plan in general so that the search committees have the appropriate context and do not misuse the information.

Will Not Implement

To ensure that campuses employ hiring practices that are consistent with laws and regulations, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for professors. In developing this guidance, the university should devise and implement a uniform method for campuses to use when calculating availability of data to better enable the university to identify and compare availability and placement goals systemwide and among campuses. Additionally, direct campuses to compare and report the gender and ethnicity of their current workforce to the labor pool by individual department to ensure that placement goals are meaningful and useful to those involved in the hiring process.

Will Not Implement

To broaden the perspective of the committees and increase the reach of the search for presidential positions, the university should develop policies regarding the diversity of the trustees committee and the advisory committee and consider alternatives on the manner in which to increase committee diversity.

Will Not Implement

To ensure that it is conducting inclusive and consistent advertising to obtain as diverse an applicant pool as possible, the university should require broad-based advertising, including publications primarily with women or minority audiences, for all presidential and system executive positions.

Fully Implemented

The university should establish more complete policies to guide the recruitment process for system executives to ensure that the process for each search is fair, equitable, and consistent.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that campuses employ hiring practices that are consistent with laws and regulations, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for professors. In developing this guidance, the university should take action to ensure that campuses have departments elect faculty to serve on search committees to help ensure that searches are conducted in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement and campus policies.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that campuses employ hiring practices that are consistent with laws and regulations, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for professors. In developing this guidance, the university should direct campuses to have departments develop position descriptions as broadly as possible consistent with academic needs and to more fully consider during the position allocation phase of the hiring process how new positions being requested will affect employment opportunities for women and minorities overall and the resulting diversity of its professors.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that campuses employ hiring practices that are consistent with laws and regulations, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for professors. In developing this guidance, the university should direct campuses to have search committees review affirmative action plans so they are aware of the availability and placement goals for women and minorities when planning the search process. The guidance should address the purpose of placement goals and the affirmative action plan in general so that search committees have the appropriate context and do not misuse the information.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that campuses employ hiring practices that are consistent with laws and regulations, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for professors. In developing this guidance, the university should encourage campuses to develop alternatives to broaden the perspective of search committees and increase the reach of the search for professors. One way could be to advise departments that lack diversity on their own faculty to appoint women and minority faculty members from outside the department to search committees. Additionally, to ensure that it is meeting its responsibilities under federal regulations, the university should provide guidance to campuses on special efforts to ensure that minorities and women have equal opportunity to serve on search committees.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that campuses employ hiring practices that are consistent with laws and regulations, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for professors. In developing this guidance, the university should instruct campuses to compare the proportions of women and minorities in the total applicant pool to the proportions in the labor pool to help assess the success of outreach efforts in recruiting these groups. To help ensure that they have sufficient data from applicants to effectively compare these proportions, campuses could send reminders to applicants requesting them to submit information regarding their gender and ethnicity when response rates are low.

Fully Implemented

To ensure that campuses employ hiring practices that are consistent with laws and regulations, the university should issue systemwide guidance on the hiring process for professors. In developing this guidance, the university should instruct campuses to require search committee members to receive training offered at the campus level regarding the hiring process, federal regulations, Proposition 209, and other relevant state and federal laws.

Fully Implemented

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