Preventive Services Utilization Rates by Language -- All Years
Language |
Utilization Rate |
Average Number of Children |
American Sign Language (ASL) |
48.5 |
935 |
Arabic |
51.2 |
17,246 |
Armenian |
49 |
13,628 |
Cambodian |
45.8 |
2,913 |
Cantonese |
62.6 |
31,291 |
English |
40.6 |
3,363,425 |
Farsi |
55.6 |
7,659 |
French |
50.2 |
437 |
Hmong |
43.9 |
8,794 |
Japanese |
47.4 |
416 |
Korean |
45.3 |
9,779 |
Lao |
40 |
835 |
Mandarin |
48.7 |
23,076 |
Mien |
42.8 |
359 |
Other Chinese Languages |
49.4 |
1,818 |
Other Non-English |
52.8 |
18,333 |
Portuguese |
50.7 |
1,224 |
Russian |
38.9 |
12,418 |
Spanish |
53.3 |
1,680,556 |
Tagalog |
43.1 |
6,531 |
Thai |
51.8 |
367 |
Unknown/Other |
8.7 |
14,419 |
Vietnamese |
57.2 |
50,543 |
Source: Analysis of data from the Department of Health Care Services' Management Information System/Decision Support System.
Note: To maintain the confidentiality of small groups of children, we redacted groups of 10 or less children from the above information.