Response to the Survey From —
Riverside City and County CoC
HUD provides two lists of California Continuum of Care (CoC) key contacts: one for Northern California and one for Southern California.
You can find these lists at
- Enter the CoC number for which you are completing the survey.
CA-608 - Enter the CoC name for which you are completing the survey.
Riverside City and County CoC
- Enter the organization within the CoC that you represent.
County of Riverside Dept. of Public Social Services
- What type of organization do you represent?.
Our CoC decided to conduct the unsheltered PIT Count annually to align the unsheltered count data with the HUD-required annual sheltered PIT Count data. Riverside County chose to join the majority of CoCs across the nation in conducting an annual count.
In 2014 and 2016, we received funded through the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs to conduct a PIT count that included homeless veterans.
(For example, did you increase the number of volunteers, or find additional funding?)
For the biennial unsheltered Point-in-Time counts, the CoC utilized existing funding including HUD Planning and county funding. For 2014 and 2016, the CoC was selected by the Veteran's Adminstration (VA) to receive funding to conduct a complete PIT count to measure progress with ending veteran homelessness. In 2018, VA funding is not available and the CoC is utilizing existing HUD Planning and county funding.
By conducting an annual PIT count, the CoC has increased its ability to measure progress with ending homelessness. Annual checkpoints provide more detailed information regarding the total counts and subpopulation data.
In 2016, the PIT count cost $28,000.
About 509 people (volunteers and staff)
About 498
Approximately 498 volunteers were recruited through the following methods: Homeless Service Providers County Agencies Faith-based organizations Local colleges and universities Public volunteers (press releases published in several print and online newspapers throughout Riverside County).
Riverside County was under a severe thunderstorm warning by the National Weather Service in the weeks and days leading up to the PIT Count. In addition, the region received amounts of rain that were record-breaking in the days before the PIT Count, including the day before. As the majority of Riverside County's unsheltered homeless population resides in unsheltered settings, a partnership with first responders to raise awareness for the PIT Count and to promote the outreach services for homeless veterans, youth and families taking place on the day of the Count had a significant impact. This message was layered onto an existing safety advisory initiated by first responders to warn homeless individuals of the dangers of residing in riverbeds, flood control channels and areas prone to mudslides during thunderstorms. In 2017, following HUD's new requirements to have a separate youth count, efforts to obtain a more accurate count of youth ages 24 and under that are experiencing homelessness were increased. Youth friendly partners were invited to assist in implementing the youth count. These partners included: youth opportunity centers, transitional age youth programs, youth emergency shelters, city leaders, and other public, private, and non-profit agencies focused on the goal to end homelessness for youth. The knowledge and experience that each collaborative partner brought to the table helped us better identify homeless youth during both the traditional and the youth counts. By having youth friendly volunteers, youth experiencing homelessness were more willing to participate in the PIT Survey. The total 2017 count for youth ages 24 and under is 193 (interview and observational); a 103% increase from last year's count. This increase is likely due to an increased collaboration and focus on youth experiencing homelessness.
Our CoC has cumulatively reallocated at least 20 percent of the CoC's Annual Renewal Demand between FY 2013 and FY 2017 CoC Program Competitions. Low-performing projects with unspent funds were reallocated. The reallocated funds were used to create new permanent supportive housing projects for chronically homeless.
Housing gap analysis—We do not have a regular schedule for this.
Funding gap analysis—Last was conducted in 2017.
Service gap analysis—Last was conducted in 2016.
Other (please specify)—
Housing gap analysis
Funding gap analysis
Service gap analysis
Other (as you identified in question 27)
We have a 10-year plan from 2007 that is being updated and revised this year. A strategic plan has been created by a county-led oversight committee that formed in 2016. This committee is led by the county's Executive Office and includes department heads from key county agencies working to address homelessness. It also includes CoC representative. The strategic plan will be presented to the County Board of Supervisors early next year for their approval and implementation.
We restructured our CoC Board of Governance in 2015 to include new members who are elected officials, executive directors and other representatives in leadership positions. The CoC board prior to that was made up of representatives from agencies that were receiving HUD funding and was very conflicted. We also created an objective review and evaluation process that includes performance metrics and outcomes that HUD projects are required to adhere to so they can continue to receive funding. This included creating an Independent Review Panel of members elected by the CoC membership and using a performance scorecard for each project to evaluate effectiveness and other measures related to performance.
Feel free to provide web addresses to any reports or email them as attachments to
All of the documents related to strategies and actions by the CoC membership, standing committees and CoC Board of Governance can be accessed on the DPSS website, Homeless Programs Unit page. The link is:
For example, if you would like to share additional information regarding homelessness, services, or funding.
We would like to encourage the state to continue to look for linkages to homelessness and lack of a safe, stable and permanent home among all of the vulnerable and impoverished populations and groups being served through various sources of funding. When any funding is made available to counties, we encourage the state to consider a housing component as a mandate. There is funding available for services, however, these same sources to not always allow funds to be used to provide housing subsidies or assistance with rent, security deposits, etc. This is a critical need for our most vulnerable and at-risk populations.