Response to the Survey From —
Long Beach CoC
HUD provides two lists of California Continuum of Care (CoC) key contacts: one for Northern California and one for Southern California.
You can find these lists at
- Enter the CoC number for which you are completing the survey.
CA-606 - Enter the CoC name for which you are completing the survey.
Long Beach CoC
- Enter the organization within the CoC that you represent.
City of Long Beach, Department of Health and Human Services, Homeless Services Division
- What type of organization do you represent?.
The City of Long Beach is the lead agency for the local CoC and serves as a pass-through entity to 11 agencies who coordinate services citywide. Services include: outreach, supportive services, transitional housing, rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing services. Additionally, the City oversees ESG funding which funds outreach, emergency shelter and rapid rehousing projects. Further the City also leverages local funds to provide enhanced outreach, case management, prevention and rapid rehousing services in the city.
(For example, did you increase the number of volunteers, or find additional funding?)
The HSD has a small administrative team, (9 staff) responsible for monitoring and coordination of the HUD CoC, ESG, various other programs and coordinating services citywide. The PIT planning process requires extra staffing hours, requiring overtime pay. The planning process, data processing and report out process totals 6 months out of the operational year. The division heavily relies on donations, volunteers and collaborative partner contributions in order to carry out the PIT.
The HSD would consider doing a count in the non-required years if funding were available to contract a consultant team to manage the coordination of the event, data collection, reporting and analysis.
Private donations for food and event supplies. Volunteer hours leading up to the PIT, the day of the PIT and follow up activities.
$100,000 for direct and indirect staffing costs
Faith based community, LGBTQ community, social service providers, city departments, local business community, bid improvement districts, Long Beach City College, California State University Long Beach, medical providers (Molina Health Care) and community constituents.
Long Beach experienced a 21% reduction in homelessness as compared to the 2015 PIT. Factors contributing to this reduction include; reallocation of transitional housing to rapid rehousing, new project based permanent supportive housing projects, increase in VASH allocation, effective street outreach network, interdepartmental coordination and a coordinated entry system that uses a housing first model.
The City of Long Beach DHHS was designated as a Unified Funding Agency (UFA) as of FY 2013, and as such assists the Long Beach CoC with determining the priority of submitted projects for inclusion in the Collaborative Application to HUD. HUD awards a master grant agreement to the City of Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services; projects administered by an applicant will be formalized in a contract between the City of Long Beach and the eligible applicant agency. The City of Long Beach has the following Reallocation Procedures in place to ensure that the Long Beach CoC improves its system performance and is more responsive to its needs: 1. Upon release of HUD's CoC Program Competition NOFA, projects eligible for renewal must complete the CoC Certification of Project Renewal form. On this form, projects may elect to voluntarily lower their respective amounts to free up remaining funds for reallocation. 2. Projects that, on average over the last 3 years, deobligate at least 8% of the project's total grant amount will make underspent funds available for reallocation. The amount of underspent funds these projects will need to make available for reallocation will be based on the lowest percentage of deobligated funds applied to that project's total renewal amount. 3. Projects that have not renewed at least once under the CoC Program will not be included in the reallocation process.
Housing gap analysis—Annually
Funding gap analysis—Annually
Service gap analysis—Annually
Other (please specify)—Veteran specific through SSVF program
Housing gap analysis
Funding gap analysis
Service gap analysis
Other (as you identified in question 27)
See attachment-Long Beach 10-Year Plan Report
Currently updating the strategic plan.
The issue of homelessness is very complex and had many contributing factors. In order to have a coordinated, strategic and well thought out approach to addressing the issues of homelessness a strategic plan is essential. The plan has benefited the CoC in the following ways: -Provided a view of the current resources -Identified gaps in the system -Identified the essential partnerships and roles of the CoC and community providers -Identities the current best practices and approaches to addressing homelessness -Identified the sub-populations and the most vulnerable and their unique needs -Identified the varied funding sources that support the CoC efforts -Formulated a plan that included measurable goals
The LB CoC works to diversify its funding sources on an ongoing basis. Here are few examples: -The Mayor's Fund to end homelessness that is for gap funding purposes -The Rapid Response fund that support City Departments to address homelessness -LA County Measure funding -Hilton Foundation -Council of Governments -Homeless Veteran Initiative -LA County Housing for Health -United Way Collaborative Fund -State ESG
Implementation of a City Interdepartmental Team that collectively addresses homelessness -Development of the HEART Team-fireman and paramedics who practice a cost avoidance model of outreach and engagement -outreach Work Group that comprises a multi-disciplinary Team that proactively responds to street homelessness in a coordinated and collaborative model. -Partnership between CoC, faith based community and business owners to bring together best practices on how to collectively address homeless. -Developing regional partnerships that strengthen all SPA areas and reduce duplication of services and increase capacity county wide.
Feel free to provide web addresses to any reports or email them as attachments to
Not at this time.
For example, if you would like to share additional information regarding homelessness, services, or funding.
Not at this time.