Response to the Survey From —
Alpine, Inyo, Mono Counties CoC
HUD provides two lists of California Continuum of Care (CoC) key contacts: one for Northern California and one for Southern California.
You can find these lists at
- Enter the CoC number for which you are completing the survey.
CA-530 - Enter the CoC name for which you are completing the survey.
Alpine, Inyo, Mono Counties CoC
- Enter the organization within the CoC that you represent.
Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action, Inc.
- What type of organization do you represent?.
Emergency Shelter, Rapid Rehousing and Homelessness Prevention. In addition, we are the HMIS lead agency and compile information for and submit ESG CAPERS, HUD Performance, AHAR and other reports to HUD and CA HCD.
To collect more information on the homeless population within the CoC geographic area and to have an annual benchmark from which to gauge our progress toward the goal of reducing homelessness.
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
(For example, did you increase the number of volunteers, or find additional funding?)
The number of volunteer enumerators has increased over the last few years and there has been a growing interest from other organizations in assisting with the Count.
The CoC service area includes over 14,000 square miles, which is larger than a number of states. Much of this area is public lands with mountains, deserts and wilderness. Count volunteers have a difficult time accessing some of the region, especially in Mono and Alpine Counties during the last ten days in January when the Count is conducted. It is also difficult to send volunteers out on an extremely cold night (counts must be conducted from sunset to sunrise) in the winter to encampments where many of our homeless are located. We have moved to more service-based surveys (HUD approved methodology) rather than a night-of-the-count census to overcome some of these challenges.
We will conduct our fourth Count on January 25, 2018. In accordance with direction provided by HUD, we are striving for completeness and accuracy in our Count and trying to get consistent results for analysis. The Counts have helped us identify where homeless are staying and we have targeted more outreach to those areas.
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding
Twelve (12)
Nine (9)
We advertised using local media to recruit for volunteers and received a number of offers from private citizens.
Our unsheltered homeless population decreased slightly from 119 in 2016 to 116 in 2017. The reason we counted fewer last year was because there was a great deal of snow on the ground in the northern section of our service area, the weather was severe and there are no permanent shelters available. Many homeless simply left the area temporarily for a warmer climate.
Housing gap analysis—Have not completed housing gap analysis.
Funding gap analysis—Have not completed funding gap analysis.
Service gap analysis—CoC has not conducted service gap analysis, but Agency conducts one every two years.
Other (please specify)—
Housing gap analysis
Funding gap analysis
Service gap analysis
Agency conducted service gap analysis in 2017.
Other (as you identified in question 27)
CoC is implementing the HUD-mandated Coordinated Entry System which will enable us to better identify resources available to assist the most vulnerable homeless population. CoC stakeholders collaborate to determine funding sources for needed homeless services and decide which organization will apply for those grants.
The CoC was established in 2014 and does not have the financial and staff resources to develop a strategic plan. However, Inyo Mono Advocates for Community Action, Inc. completed a Strategic Plan this year which includes goals and objectives related to reducing homelessness in the service area. Additionally, the CoC is working on specific strategies to address the homeless crisis in several communities within the tri-county region.
Homeless service providers in the CoC have applied for Emergency Solutions Grants, No Place Like Home, Housing and Disability Advocacy, and HUD Planning Program funds. The CoC entity does not have any fundraising activities.
Working together to address specific homeless needs in the Eastern Sierra has strengthened the CoC over the last couple of years. The CoC still struggles because funding for our geographic area is limited and partner agencies focus on their primarily mission which is typically not homeless services. Implementing the Coordinated Entry System for the CoC will enable partner organizations to collaborate more effectively.
Feel free to provide web addresses to any reports or email them as attachments to
No additional information.
For example, if you would like to share additional information regarding homelessness, services, or funding.
CA-530 (Alpine, Inyo, Mono Counties CoC) is relatively new (established in 2014) and we are still developing programs and projects that will help reduce homelessness. HUD CoC funding during the last three years has been allocated mainly for renewal of existing projects, and since our CoC does not have any, we have had to find alternative grant programs. Operating effective homeless programs without adequate funding and staff resources will continue to be a challenge for our Agency and the CoC.