Response to the Survey From —
Fresno City and County, Madera County CoC
HUD provides two lists of California Continuum of Care (CoC) key contacts: one for Northern California and one for Southern California.
You can find these lists at
- Enter the CoC number for which you are completing the survey.
CA-514 - Enter the CoC name for which you are completing the survey.
Fresno City and County, Madera County CoC
- Enter the organization within the CoC that you represent.
Fresno Housing Authority
- What type of organization do you represent?.
Fresno Housing has built 118 units of permanent supportive housing complexes in Fresno. In addition we administer 175 units of tenant based rental assistance permanent supportive housing, 40 units of rapid rehousing primarily for families. In addition, we administer the Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program. We partner with Fresno County Dept of Social Services in administering the CalWORKs Housing Support Program.
This was a HUD requirement
Initially in-kind donations of time and materials; couple of years VA funding
(For example, did you increase the number of volunteers, or find additional funding?)
We have increased the number of volunteers each year, increased publicity regarding the PIT and its results. In 2016 using VA funding, we developed a mobile app to facilitate the PIT count to great success. We will continue to use the app.
After initial decrease in unsheltered homeless individuals, like other communities, we noticed an increase from 2015 (1,183) to 2016 (1,451) to 2017 (1,529). It was concluded that more PSH or other housing options should be developed for unsheltered individuals. Conversely, we noticed the Veteran population decreased from 2016 (144) to 2017 (123). As such, we continue to work with the VA to increase the number of unsheltered Veterans to obtain housing. In November of this year, Fresno Housing and FMCoC partnered with ... to analyze the community response to homelessness. She was able to share insights with CoC, City, County and community leaders. We should receive a final report from her this month.
Some in-kind donations of time and materials, as well as fundraising.
We recruit from all stakeholders - faith based community, universities, general public. We use Facebook and other social media, some mainstream media and word of mouth to procure volunteers. Within homeless services, the City of Fresno has funded a dedicated outreach team through general fund dollars.
FMCoC experienced an increase in the PIT count from 2016 (1,451) to 2017 (1,529). In our perspective, causes are as myriad as more volunteers, much better outreach throughout the year equaling better relationships.
For the most part, reallocation has been done voluntarily, going from TH to PSH. In addition, in the 2017 competition the Safe Haven chose not to renew funding; part of these funds went to a new Joint TH and RRH project.
Housing gap analysis—Once a year, with the PIT and HIC
Funding gap analysis—In 2016 with an update to the Ten Year Plan, again in 2017 with ... analysis
Service gap analysis—Not a formal analysis, just in conjunction with PIT, HIC and recent update to the Ten Year Plan
Other (please specify)—
Housing gap analysis
Funding gap analysis
Service gap analysis
Other (as you identified in question 27)
Reallocation has been for programs that made the decision to change from TH to PSH. When the program sees that rental assistance support is still needed for residents, the PHA has limited preference vouchers for this purpose. We have the case where a local TH DV program was not funded, the DV provider attempted local funding but was not successful.
Previously, the community and CoC depended on HUD funding for programs specific to homeless individuals and or families. Now, we are in the process of developing a plan as a result of analysis and consultation with ... demonstrated the need for additional funding and involvement in housing for homeless individuals to both City and County officials as well as the philanthropic and business communities. We have had success in additional funding and or stakeholders previously; in 2014, CalWORKs began a program for homeless families receiving CalWORKs, administered jointly by local DSS and Fresno Housing Authority. The City of Fresno administers both TBRA and HOPWA funds jointly with community partners.
As a whole, the FMCoC does not engage in grant seeking activities; however, agencies belonging to the FMCoC does form partnerships for grant opportunities. For example, Fresno Housing and WestCare jointly applied for State VHHP funding for housing for homeless Veterans. At the same time, Fresno Housing applied for and was awarded LITC funds to build housing for homeless Veterans located across the street from the local VAMC.
As Collaborative Applicant, Fresno Housing works hard to provide an atmosphere of partnership with the members of the CoC. Fresno Housing is also the lead HMIS agency and ensure that we provide training as necessary to our CoC.
Feel free to provide web addresses to any reports or email them as attachments to
The FMCoC is part of the national initiative Built for Zero - endeavoring to end chronic and Veteran homelessness. We have worked with the TA provider Community Solutions, attending trainings and learning sessions. The FMCoC has made strides in strengthening our system of care.
For example, if you would like to share additional information regarding homelessness, services, or funding.
The FMCoC is doing an admirable job in assisting those who are experiencing homelessness; however, we do realize that much more work needs to be done. We need to work with industry outside the homeless service providers - i.e., business, faith based and philanthropic community - to gain additional funding. We realize we also need to work to stem the flow into homelessness by identifying community needs - i.e., more affordable housing. We are proud to be part of the national Built for Zero initiative; looking forward to learning new strategies from peers around the nation. We are also grateful for the analysis and consultation from ... We look forward to her final report and working on enhancing our community services.