Figure 1
Figure 1 is a map, adapted from the OPE handbook, that provides an example of location categories for which institutions must report Clery Act crime statistics. The map focuses on a square location that contains a college building and college housing with four surrounding streets and sidewalks. The college square is highlighted in yellow and contains the two buildings and a grass/yard area, indicating that institutions must report the crimes that occur in those areas. The sidewalks are located at the perimeter of the college square and are indicated as areas where institutions must report crimes under the Clery Act. Each sidewalk across the street on the four sides of the campus are also indicated as areas institutions must report. The reportable streets are highlighted in turquoise and are directly adjacent to the square campus.
Figure 2
Figure 2 is an organizational flow chart that depicts the process for institutions to compile and report crime statistics under the Clery Act. There are four boxes of information that flow from left to right. The first box explains that the institution’s Clery Act coordinator requests crime statistics from the institution’s security authorities and local law enforcement agencies. An asterisk in this box further explains that for purposes of this report, we define the individual or individuals appointed by an institution to compile and report crime statistics under the Clery Act as the institution’s Clery Act coordinator. The second box explains that the institution’s security authorities and local law enforcement agencies then provide the crime statistics information to the Clery Act coordinator. The third box explains that after the institution’s Clery Act coordinator receives this information, the coordinator must prepare crime statistics for submission to the U.S. DOE and inclusion in the annual security report, and then submit the crime statistics to the U.S. DOE. The fourth box explains that the institution then publishes the crime statistics in their annual security report.